What is the Prince William County Fire and Rescue System?
The Prince William County Fire and Rescue System is a combination system of career and volunteer emergency service providers who work together to provide fire and emergency medial services to the citizens of Prince William County. The System includes the Prince William County Department of Fire and Rescue along with eight volunteer fire and rescue departments that collectively serve the County in 22 stations. The volunteer departments are: Buckhall Volunteer Fire Department, Dale City Volunteer Fire Department, Dumfries-Triangle Volunteer Fire Department, Lake Jackson Volunteer Fire Department, Nokesville Volunteer Fire and Rescue Department, Occoquan-Woodbridge-Lorton Volunteer Fire Department, Stonewall Jackson Volunteer Fire Department and Rescue Squad, and Yorkshire Volunteer Fire and Rescue Department.
General information about the Prince William County Fire and Rescue System such as the Office of the Chief, Fire Marshall, Community Safety and general contact information can be found at

Who are the volunteers?
Operational volunteers are an important piece of the System providing valuable fire and rescue services to the County’s citizens.
Volunteers are not just firefighters and emergency medical professionals. Volunteers work behind the scenes in administrative and auxiliary roles as well.